Jan 17, 2010


How do you find your "voice"?
Can you define what "your" voice is? Your vision? Your gift to the world?

1. What is your inspiration? What are you really really interested in? What fascinates, captivates and enthralls you? What do you really love?
2. What would help you paint better? Take you to the next step? Go beyond your comfort level?
3. What rituals/habits keep you on task?
4. What goals have you set for the next 3 months?
5. How do you get into "state"? What is "state"?
6. How do you keep risking?
7. How do you know when to push harder or step back?
8. When is a work finished? How do you know?
9. How does one stay "present" throughout the whole painting?
10. Does this piece have that something extra?
11.How does one trust oneself?
12.How can you be in control and let go of control at the same time?

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